Luxury Living with Zaavi


Real estate news

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Neighborhood guides

Explore the neighborhoods that make our city great with our Neighborhoods Guide. Find out about the best schools, parks, restaurants and more, and find the perfect location for your next home.


Distinctive properties

Discover the best properties in our portfolio with our Featured Properties section. From modern apartments to luxury villas, you are sure to find your dream home here.

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Our Featured Listing for Luxury Living

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About us

We specialize in connecting buyers and sellers of luxury properties in Dubai. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing the highest level of service and experience to our clients.


How can we help

Discover the wide range of real estate services we offer.

Property Evaluation

Expert property evaluations for informed real estate decisions

After Sales Service

Providing after-sales service to ensure an easy property buying experience

Property Management

Hassle-free property management for realtors and investors.

Property listings

List your property with us, and get maximum exposure.

Mortgage Approval Services

Expert financial assistance for a smooth transaction.

Investment Advisory Services

Expert investment advisory for informed real estate decisions.

Short term & Long term Leasing

Flexible short-term and long-term leasing options to suit your needs.

Real estate investment

Smart real estate investment opportunities for long-term growth


Explore communities

Find and explore your dream neighborhood with your very own Home Buying Advisor. We are here to help you find the perfect home for you.

Distinctive homes

Our new homes for sale and for rent

Find homes for sale in your local area by price, amenities, or other features. We’ll show you the sales history and give you helpful tips.

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Our real estate company has a number of luxury and exclusive listings that are ideal for international clients.

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